Somatic Emotional Release
by Jo Callender, Functional Body Work Therapist Dealing with trauma – Somato emotional release. All of us have experienced some kind of trauma in our lives; surgery, the death of a loved one, divorce, assault, illness, accidents, childbirth and more…....
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our top 10 supplements for kids
Our Top 10 Supplements for Kids by Nat Nicholls, front desk squirrel As parents we get to the chilly side of the year and all of a sudden our children seem to be at home a bit more often, either...
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Top foods for brain health
Brain health is so important in our everyday life. By being proactive in our choices today, including the foods we eat on a daily basis, we can ensure better brain health and function for years to come. Did you know...
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Craniosacral Therapy by Jo Callender
Having worked as a massage therapist for over 20 years, it has become clear to me that working below the skin is as relevant and important as working on the exterior surface of the body. Being able to access the...
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Nutrition & Anxiety in Kids by Jen Galland, Family Nutritionist
How can nutrition have an impact on anxiety and mood? I am a nutritionist with Beyond Self that works with kids and teens to address this health issue every day. For many people, what we eat, and the way we...
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An ode to Beyond Self
By Emma Martell, Lomi Lomi Massage Therapist Okay.. fingers to keys.. Confirming this is where it all begins for me… touch, hands, feeling. So here I am at home in my little original asbestos clad 1950’s beach cottage, in front...
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Tongue Tie
By Robynann Williams, Speech Pathologist & Orofacial Myologist How can a tiny string under the tongue impact nursing, swallowing, feeding, speech, posture, cervical, neck and shoulder tensions, teeth grinding, malocclusion, jaw discomfort, poor sleep and possible sleep apnoea? The tongue...
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Spring into your best body ever
by Sheena O’Beirne, Naturopath & Nutritionist Are you happy with your weight? Or do you wake with every intention to eat well and then your resolve fades as the day goes on? Don’t be hard on yourself, we all need...
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Our Top 5 Eco Friendly Products
Here are Beyond Self’s top 5 eco friendly product picks to use in your home, tried and tested by us: Koala Eco – These products are natural, plant based and made locally with Australian Essential Oils. Their bottles are made...
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