what we do

Icon for Chiropractic Chiropractic

Chiropractic at Beyond Self is centred around addressing the 3 pillars of health - structural, biochemical and emotional. Our chiropractors look at the state of your nervous system (which is responsible for controlling every action in the body), and aim to remove interferences to its optimal functioning.


Icon for Neuro Emotional Technique Neuro Emotional Technique

Our minds and bodies are intertwined on a level that most of us are not even aware of. We often think we are making sound logical decisions on a day to day basis, but in reality, our subconscious mind is running the show.


Icon for Retained Neonatal Reflexes Retained Neonatal Reflexes

Reflexes that persist beyond the first year of life are known as retained reflexes, and may indicate a maturational functional delay in the brain. When these building blocks do not integrate, more advanced areas of the brain may also be delayed in development, or not develop at all.


Icon for Shockwave Therapy Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses high-energy sound waves to create localised micro trauma at the affected area, which stimulates the body’s natural healing process.


Icon for Naturopathy Naturopathy

We are passionate about good food and its ability to bring back your sparkle and shine. We love the gut – the cause of many health issues and stress, insomnia, menopause, hormones, autoimmune, skin conditions, thyroid… you get the gist.


Icon for Nutrition Nutrition

Coming soon.


Icon for Massage Therapy Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy has long been used to help improve quality of life and reduce pain and stress. It enhances not only the muscular-skeletal function but it also improves other systems such as the lymphatic and circulatory system and visceral function (organ function).


Icon for Myofascial release Myofascial release

Myofascial release is different to traditional massage therapy as it is slower with less of the ‘slide’ technique used in massage. The fascia is manipulated so it isn’t‘ stuck’ anymore but mobilised to the ‘slide and glide’ function which increases the fascia’s fluidity improving the function of the structure, the organs and muscles it surrounds.


Icon for Dry Needling Dry Needling

Dry Needling can be used by itself or in addition to massage therapy. Fine acupuncture needles are inserted into the trigger points which creates a release in the muscle, relaxing the taut muscle fibre and reducing pain.


Icon for CranioSacral Therapy CranioSacral Therapy

Cranio sacral therapy is a gentle hands on, yet powerful modality which helps the body beginning to regulate, soothe and calm the nervous system, as this process of integration occurs you will begin to feel balanced and grounded, and symptoms begin to fade


Icon for Somatic Emotional Release Somatic Emotional Release

As Craniosacral practitioners we seek to connect with your ‘inner wisdom’, the innate part of every single one of us that wants to heal and re-establish a healthy balance on a physical and psychological level.


Icon for Functional Body Work Functional Body Work

Fine acupuncture needles are inserted into the trigger points which creates a release in the muscle, relaxing the taut muscle fibre and reducing pain. Visceral manipulation is a gentle, hands-on technique used to encourage and support the normal mobility, tone and motion of the viscera (internal organs).


Icon for Health & Lifestyle Coaching Health & Lifestyle Coaching

Your health and happiness is often a result of the intricate relationship between your lifestyle, your environment and your stress. But, no matter where you are in your journey, coaching gets you the clarity you need to realign with your deepest truths and make lasting positive change.


Icon for Speech Pathology / Orofacial Myology Speech Pathology / Orofacial Myology

Speech Pathologists study, diagnose and treat communication disorders including difficulties with speaking, listening, understanding language, reading, writing, social skills, stuttering and using voice. Orofacial myologists study, diagnose and treat the "structural" issues causing dysfunction of articulation, breathing, posture, dental development and swallowing.
